Friday, April 16, 2010

Today's Christians

It s amazing what people do these days and call themselves Christians. I was no different. I notice once you call yourself Christian, in the work place or school, basically in the world. You’re looked at more closely, if you say a curse word, or if you’re not kind enough to give up your last cookie, or if you take a paper clip from your company that has thousands, you’re judged. Its ridiculous how we’re scrutinized for petty things, I believe it’s the world trying to justify their bad behavior, cuz if Christians are doing it then it must be ok, I just need to go to church and ask for forgiveness, and do it again.

Really? Does it mean that were free to do whatever we want because were under grace? Are we any different from the world? Could they tell us apart or do we blend in with the rest of them?..

Where do we draw the line? What can we get away with?.... Is it ok to have sex out of marriage? Go to clubs and dance with strangers or just going to clubs period, and drink around all shorts of people looking just like them with no intention to witness or share the message that they will parish in their sins.

Is it ok to smoke weed, because it’s natural, cigarettes, curse or practice homosexuality? I am not trying to lay down do's and don’ts however I believe Christians lost their way. If you’re in a marriage there’s going to be certain things you’re not going to do anymore, if you want to stay in that marriage or be called husband/ wife of your spouse.

We are referred to as the bride of Yeshua (Jesus), many times in scriptures we are referred to Him as the bride. We need to be ready for when our bridegroom comes or we will be left behind Mat 25:1-13. He adores us with His garments, Isa 61:10. He wants us to keep our garments clean, and ready for His return, Rev3:14, Rev 16:15. We the church, is the Lamb’s wife the holy city Jerusalem descending from heaven Rev21:9-27 and Rev22.

Can we be called His bride if we are unfaithful?........ He rathers we not be for Him then to be for Him and do the things of the world and say we’re Christians, Rev 3:16. It’s the same as cheating on your spouse in public and saying you’re still madly in love with them. Elohim will not be mocked Gal 6:7. When He says “Do not take My name in vain” for He will not hold them guiltless who takes His name in vain (Exo 20:7), in Hebrew it means don’t misrepresent My name. Don’t misrepresent who He is through your actions, just like your parents or spouse would not want you to misrepresent or disrespect them, because you symbolize your family / spouse.

At some point, when we continue down our broad path, He will leave us up to our reprobate (no-good) minds. Rom 1:28 “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient….” In other words you would no longer feel guilty, He would eventually stop trying to call you back.
We may appear to be Christians in public in front of other Christians. We may even pray, sing songs and say Amen, however behind the scenes we are a different person. Who are we really fooling? Certainly not Elohim.

Bottom line, we “So called Christian” have been quiet for too long blending in with the crowd. What are we to Him if we can’t stand for Him? Life is but a vapor, we need to represent Him. “If God be for us who can be against us,” Rom 8:31. “If you deny Me before men I will deny you before my Father which is in heaven” Matt 10:33. If you want to see Him one day, don’t deny Him today.

1 comment:

Shortcakin' Berry Blogger said...

Oh boy do I like this blog !!Another awesome point. It’s scary how many worldly things people do on their spare time then put on there "Best Church face" on Sunday (sometimes even on Shabbat)and leave after service only to replace their worldly mask and return to what they are best at. It’s unfortunate that they have not allowed Yashua to replace their old heart with one that is subject and servant to the actions and life of Yashua's example. It’s funny how one tends to lose their friends the more you serve and follow after what you are supposed to do. The example you gave about being an outcast because of your beliefs in school. I have experienced it even in my own congregation. It’s one of those things that hurts but at the same time you realize that Yashua was also mistreated and outcaste by His own people. There is also scripture to back up that persecution would come from within the church, scripture refers to them a goats. The only one who knows exactly who those are is Yahweh and they will be separated during the great end Harvest. The clues that we have for who is who is the Fruit. Yashua taught us that a good tree can only bare good fruit. Let’s not be fooled by the game face. It’s not by personality or popularity or works. Yashua will show the fruit He brings in those who truly serve Him.
Who is the Torah? In Genesis the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Tav raw) is the Torah. So when we receive the Holy Spirit we receive the seed of Yahweh in our hearts. What is that seed? It is the Word. Who is the word?? Yashua…. So what kind of tree comes from Yahweh’s seed planted in your heart? Is it thorns? No, it is the only fruit that can come by the Holy word of Yahweh: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These are the characteristics of Yashua.
That’s why He taught us to be as He is. Another important thing is that we have also received the Spiritual DNA of the Father. Yashua knows who is who by what is inside not by what is outside. Its comforting that no matter what anyone says about you or wants others to believe about you that Yashua is never fooled because he weighs the heart. We need to focus on sharing the True Word and doing the will of our Father in heaven as Yashua did. This will keep us out of trouble and foolishness.