Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Prophecies describing the Messiah:
from the Tanakh (Old Testament )
His pre existence Genesis 1:26
Born of the seed of a womanGenesis 3:15
Of the seed of AbrahamGenesis 12:3
From the tribe of JudahGenesis 49:10
Heir to the throne of DavidIsaiah 9:6-7
Born in BethlehemMicah 5:2
At the appointed timeDaniel 9:25
Born of a virginIsaiah 7:14,
Declared to be the Son of GodPsalm 2:7
Would be a prophet Deuteronomy 18:15
Rejected by his ownIsaiah 53:3
He entered Jerusalem as a king riding on an assZechariah 9:9
Sold for 30 pieces of silverZechariah 11:12
Accused by false witnessesPsalm 35:11
Silent to accusationsIsaiah 53:7
Spat upon and smitten Isaiah 50:6
Hated without a cause Psalm 35:19
The sacrificial LambIsaiah 53:5
Crucified with criminals Isaiah 53:12
Pierced through hands, feet and sideZechariah 12:10
Given vinegar and gallPsalm 69:21
Soldiers gambled for his coat Psalm 22:18
No Bones brokenPsalm 34:20
Buried with the richIsaiah 53:9
Resurrected form the DeadPsalm16:10-11; 49:15
Ascended to right hand of GodPsalm 68:18
His coming glory Malachi 3:2-3
The ONLY person….. Past, present or future…. Who could fulfill all these prophecies is Yeshua Messiah

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