Friday, April 23, 2010

How I got into the Hebraic Messianic Roots.

I am originally from Jamaica, came here when I was 2years old by my parents who move to Florida due to relatives living here, and wanting to start a new life in the US. I was brought up in a Christian home. My dad use to be an evangelist back in Jamaica helping to bring souls to Christ.

I received Yeshua at a young age, so I wasn’t popular in school because I didn’t stand for nor did certain things they thought was cool, plus I would try to tell them about Yeshua, and that they needed to repent and get saved. Maybe that was part of the reason….. ;) Plus at times I was a shy kid. Despite that I loved to debate kids that believed in evolution against creation. They were like my target I had to tell them the truth. I definitely bit off more then I could chew, because those kids were smart and I didn’t know as much as I thought but I knew we didn’t come from apes and “the big bang” didn’t create the whole world and I just wanted to prove that. I read books, went to creation seminars, sharing the message with people along the way. I was a little evangelist like my daddy.

How I got into the Hebraic Messianic Roots? Well I wanted to take a world religion class in college, to learn more about different faiths, so I could understand different beliefs and be able to reach more people. My dad discourage me from taking the class, for it would confuse me more then help me, I was determine nothing would deter me from the faith.

In class I remembered we had two reports, any thing to do with religious topics. So the two papers I choice were, “Christians vs Catholics” and “Jews and Christians, How are they Similar?” They were random topics I choice. At the time I didn’t know my teacher was Catholic when I did my 1st paper, because he didn’t want the class to know till the end. I especially didn’t know how I was going to do my 2nd because I really didn’t know how they were similar just that Yeshua was a Jew, and He loved His Jewish people.

I remember praying, “how was I going to show that Jews and Christians are similar?” It had to be Elohim sent, because it so happen that “The Holy Land Experience” in Orlando just opened up and we so happen to be going. Interesting! I decided I would definitely find what I needed. The owner at the time was Thomas E. Powell and Marwin Rosenthal a Messianic Jew that help with the development of the place, wrote a book called the “The Feast of the Lord,“ he also had a seminar in Orlando explaining the feast and how it related to the Messiah. I had to be in that class to get the information. I was ready to take notes for my report. However in the lecture I grew so tried, that I couldn’t keep my eyes open, no matter how hard I tried. Once I heard he had a book that explained everything he lectured on, I bought the book, read the whole thing in a week. I just could not put it down, and I was literally blown away. Couldn’t believe the church wasn’t teaching this stuff. Did my paper and got an A. My teacher loved it and I never been the same since.

I Love the Jews, tried to get friends and family to learn more about the feast and the Jews, but they didn’t see the need to. I believe once you do that the Bible comes alive with more understanding. Now I go to a Hebraic Messianic church and it has come alive for me. I can’t see the Bible the same, I can’t take it for granted anymore. Its Real, its Life it’s the “Living Word” of Elohim John1:1

The Book I read was. “The Feast of the Lord”by Kevin Howard and Marvin Rosenthal.
The church I attend is “My Fathers House Ministries” Pastor Patrick Hadley

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